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The Liebster Award 3

Photo by Igor Skabelin on Unsplash

This is my third time doing the Liebster Award and I think it is the first time I've actually been tagged for it properly, so yay! I love being tagged. It's so much better than stealing even though I enjoyed stealing as well. 😂 Anyway, I was tagged by the lovely Julia who I'm sure anyone who has been here a while knows who she is. She published that amazing book I reviewed here a while ago and her blog is just fabulous. Her thoughts on Christian and bookish topics is so good to read. I love the way she describes things. Definitely need to check her out if you haven't already! 

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (Thank you so much for tagging me Julia!)
  2. Answer the eleven questions he/she asked. (I will, cause they are amazing.)
  3. Nominate eleven more bloggers for the award. (No way, thanks.)
  4. Make sure they know you nominated them. (Don't have to worry about that, hehehe.)
  5. And ask your eleven nominated bloggers eleven questions. (Do I have to? I wonder if I can skip this...)
I have way too much fun making comments on the rules. It's like a unspoken rule for me to comment on the rules. 😂 Though it may be because of a mood cause I didn't make comments on the recent ones I did. *Interesting note to self*

The questions:
1. What is one of your favourite books?
What is a favourite book I haven't mentioned I loved yet? Oh, I know. Sisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross. A new favourite that I highly recommend.
2. What is your favourite thing about your blog, specifically?
I had to think about this one. The thing I really love about my blog is that I have the freedom to write a blog post any time, any day, I want to. I never felt compelled to schedule or set certain days or times, which I know it is super useful for other bloggers and was the advice I read about a lot about blogging, but I'm glad I didn't listen to it for my own personal blog because I want to be free to create blog posts when I feel like it or am inspired. Of course sometimes I have a deadline for a blog post, but that is only sometimes and, honestly, having a deadline once and a while is useful for my blog growth. I know that producing a blog post on a day that is expected by your audience is really helpful for growing your readership and all, but at the end of the day I want to do what's good for me. My goal here isn't to have as many people as I can get, but rather to inspire and help people be bold through my own experiences and opinions. 
You know maybe I need to talk more about the "inspired and bold" bit. These words are on my heart for my blog right now and these two words really mean something to me personally.
3. How did you first get into blogging?
Sister said it was a good idea for my writing career dreams and I hesitantly agreed and then it only took a few posts (and a false start) to fall in love with writing a blog.
4. What would be your ideal working environment for blogging/writing?
Surrounded by my own personal library with a window seat overlooking a brilliant garden.

5. What's one of your favourite foods?
Croissants. If you haven't tried them, you are missing out.

6. What's your proudest achievement?
With what? Blogging, reading, writing, life? With life, I talked about my testimony on stage in front of a bunch of teenagers for the first time. I almost froze and got so shaky at the end, but I survived. 😅 With blogging, I think joining blog tours and doing the scavenger hunt, you know posts that benefit other people in the blogosphere than just me. I love doing those things so much. With reading, I think it would be the season when I could read a book each week. Honestly I was so impressed with myself for that doing for a few months. With writing, it would have to be when I finish my first and second draft of my first novel.

7. How do you motivate yourself to keep your blog up and running?
I think that having the freedom to post whenever I want strangely keeps me coming back with at least three posts each month. This definitely doesn't work for a lot of people, but it works for me. I literally miss writing a post if I don't write a post for one or two weeks roughly. I'm not even sure what part of this motivates me, but it does somehow as you can see.

8. What's your favourite thing to write about?
Character interactions and internal conflict. I just love seeing how people react or behave with certain people, especially if they have history with each other or bad blood or purely because their personalities don't coexist well. Also I just love getting into a character's head and discovering their fears, misbeliefs, strengths, weaknesses, trauma, just all the things of why they act the way they do. I find that being in their heads is really the only way that I get backstory and know their identity. There are a lot of characters who you don't need to be in their heads on written paper, but in my mind, I find it important to be their heads, even if just for a while. I really enjoy exploring internal conflict, though I must admit sometimes characters are quite stubborn and refuse to let me understand them. *sighs* But one day, I'll get it because I don't want to write characters who I don't understand, you know?

9. What's your least favourite thing to write about?
Settings. Describing the scene, setting the stage, giving the readers the proper sense of surroundings, sucks for me to write about. Just because I find it hard to imagine something so visually I can write about it. Usually settings are blurry in my mind's eye. I don't know why.

10. What's something you were obsessed with as a kid? (i.e. horses, reading, a certain movie, etc.)
Funny thing here is that I was only obsessed with things when I was a teenager. Before then, I just loved things and wasn't particularly obsessed about it. Including reading. I just love reading for some reason and then once I hit teen years, I became an avid bookworm and very much obsessed about books now.
11. Do you still like the thing you obsessed with as a kid?
I'm not sure how to answer this. I think yes to the things I loved back then and now obsessed about, and also no, since some of the things I loved I've grown out of too.

One down, several to go...

I'm planning to speed through my tags so you might get an overload of tags this month, but who knows if I can manage to do this? We'll see, we won't? I think all of the next ones are special themed ones, so I can't wait to do get into them! Just one of them, I don't know the answers to it... 

And since I doubt people are going to steal this tag, but just in case they do, just answer the same questions above.

Have a nice day, Virtual Paper Adventurers!

What's your proudest achievement? Are you still obsessed with the thing you were obsessed with as a kid? What's your favourite thing to write or read about?


  1. I don't like writing settings either their difficult. Croissants are sooo good!

    1. Yes! They are difficult not just because of I can't imagine them well, but also because finding the words to describe. I am not that good with words. Yay, I'm glad you like them! :)

  2. I think one of my proudest achievements is getting my grade 6 Royal Conservatory in only four years! It's been a lot of work, but I've survived and am still going strong! My goal is to get my grade 8 in two years and then teach piano, since you have to have your grade 8 Royal Conservatory to teach the curriculum I'm interested in.

    1. Oh my goodness, that's just amazing!!!! You go! I hope you get to achieve your goal! It sounds wonderful!

    2. Thank you! I'm really excited too, so we'll see how it goes... :)

  3. Okay, croissants are the BEST! 😍 Same I'm obsessed with books! (I mean how could they ever get old?) XD Settings are hard to describe! As a writer, I struggle with being motivated half the time XD. Sitting in a library overlooking a garden would be the PERFECT blogging/writing environment!!

    1. YES! I 100% believe in this and no one can convinced me otherwise. Awesome. *highs fives* (they literally don't XD). Ah, another one who understands my pain with settings. XD Yeah, that's so common and one I struggle with too sometimes. Ah, I'm glad you agree with my choice of a blogging/writing environment! <3

    2. Yes!! GOOO CROISSANTS!!! Settings are a pain! Ah yes, the best environment ever!!!

  4. You did so well speaking that time, definitely a huge achievement! Also just managing to keep this blog up and running is a huge achievement, I'm so hot and cold at running my blog, lol. Your ideal environment sounds amazing, and I would also like that please ::)

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, especially with hindsight in mind! XD Aww, that's so kind of you to point out! I didn't think of that. Yeah, but it is okay to be on and off with blogging. It's a season and I'm sure once it's over and you really want to start blogging properly again, it will happen. EEP, this is making me so happy that you love my ideal environment! It's really cool to see that I might have just gave voice to people's dream settings. :)

  5. AWESOME POST, girl!!!!!!!! I LOVED reading about what you loved about your blog, and I honestly can totally see how not having a set schedule of posts really helps you out!!! Sometimes I wished TWN didn't have to plan out posts a month in advanced, 'cause I always end up not wanting to write the posts I planned and I think I'd enjoy having that freedom more. *shrugs* Also, that was AMAZING that you were able to give your testimony. I seriously admire that because I don't think I ever could. *sends you lotsa chocolate* My proudest achievement? Hmmm... well I think it would be when I got my short story published and started a blog (which is SO COOL that your sister is who got you to start one, since for me it was my mom. ;). Also, I soooo feel ya on settings being the worst part about writing. I really dislike writing alllll the descriptive scenes in my books. *sighs*

    1. Thank you so much!!! Yay, I'm glad. :) It's an odd choice, but, as you said, it really honestly does help me keep blogging. Ahhh, yeah, I imagine it can be a little limiting creatively wise since you're forced to choose ahead of time before you really know you want to write that post. I get that. Yeah, I think you would be work well with more freedom. Maybe something to consider in the future...? Aww, thanks! Haha, I thought I never could do that, so you never can say never. ;) *grabs all of the chocolate, hiding it so Smoke can take it just for the fun of annoying me* XD Oh, those things are great things to be proud of!!! I have been blogging for a year now so it doesn't seem like a proudest achievement anymore, you know? But publishing will be always a proudest achievement for me too (especially since its my main writing goal). (oh, wow, that is so cool! Our family really does know what to convince us to do. ;) Blogging is awesome!) Ahhh, yes, aren't they just the worst? I don't know if they will be ever be easier and more enjoyable to do. Aww, girl, I have got your back in this! We can complain about it together. XD


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