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The Fandom Tag

{Updated version} 31/8/2022

In which I confess that I don't have a lot of fandoms. *hides*

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

You know what's funny? I have been secretly avoiding doing this tag because I just knew that when it comes to fandoms, I have a small, sad supply. For a while I happily just saw the fandom tag pass around to other people, and then... I got tagged. Twice.

*sighs* Looks like I must do the tag. *internal screaming*

*coughs* It is probably not going to be as bad as I think would be.


I was tagged by two of my favourite bloggers Skye and Jen. Thanks gals for making me do this. 😉

The Rules:

  1. Include the graphic somewhere in your post!
  2. Answer the questions!
  3. Tag two fangirls (or boys, I suppose!)

When I think fandom, my mind thinks of a short list and even then might forget one or two. I'm just not crazy about most of the things I loved. A fandom to me is something really really special to me. Something I can both rant and fangirl for hours. Something that makes me think and is my mind a lot even after the final chapter or episode or ending has closed. It needs to steal my heart. It needs to be a series or universe or a bunch of things somehow related to each other. For some reason standalones stories don't give me the fandom vibe? I think I might have a weird definition of fandom...

The questions:  

What's the first fandom you remember becoming part of?

Disney! I was raised on a bunch of the classics. But I didn't realise I was a fan of them and obsessed with them until I was much older. I don't remember exactly when I was a official fan, but unofficially I have been a fan for ages.  

What's the newest fandom you've come to enjoy?

Grishaverse. I only realise just how much I love this world. I adore Six of Crows, but my fangirl side really came out when the Shadow and Bone TV show came out. My friends can testify I went a little nuts. 😂 I have not watched it yet since I don't have Netflix, but I am already in love with the cast and think they are perfect for the characters and I watch a bunch of non-spoiler videos about it and the cast. It is a lot more than I indulged in a small space of time. I also follow the TV show's Instagram. I'm also slightly dying that I haven't read Crooked Kingdom, King of Scars and Rule of Wolves yet. I also really want to reread Shadow and Bone Trilogy, and that's a weird thing to me cause I never have such a strong urge to reread a series before. I love reading new stories so much.  

What's a fandom guaranteed to give you feels?

Marvel, The Lunar Chronicles and Grishaverse. (Sorry I couldn't name one.) I have so much emotional attached to these that I'm going to feel at least something when I read or watch them.  

What's a guilty pleasure fandom of yours?

Grishaverse. Just because I'm hesitant to recommend them to people because of certain content that makes me uncomfortable but can ignore because the characters, plot and world are TOO AMAZING. 

What's the weirdest fandom you've heard of/part of?

I am not part of any weird fandoms and I can't think of any of weird fandoms at the top of my head.

Favourite fandom/widely-known fandom?

Literally all of my fandoms are widely known and I have at least two (but very likely to be more) blogger friends in these fandoms. And, yes, all of them are my favourites. Don't make me choose one. 

Favourite bookish fandom?

The Lunar Chronicles, which is also my first and most beloved bookish fandom. 

What do you consider your "homebase", a fandom you can always come back to?

Disney. Because they keep on making new stuff all of the time that I just love so it is easy to come back to. 😂 (I totally cheated.)

What's a fandom you know all about... but aren't actually into it?

Star Wars. Sorry, Star Wars fans, but I just don't love it. 

Which fandom has the best characters?

This question requires more than one fandom. The Lunar Chronicles, Marvel, Grishaverse (particularly Six of Crows) and Once Upon a Time TV show. 

Name your all-time favourite ship.

Scarlet and Wolf from The Lunar Chronicles. 😍

Kaz and Inej from Six of Crows. 💘

Bucky and Sarah from The Falcon and The Winter Solider. Just kidding. I don't do non-canon ships. 😛

Regina and Robin Hood from Once Upon a Time. 😭

Tiana and Prince Naveen from The Princess and the Frog. 💝

What's a fandom you're curious joining?

Keeper of the Lost Cities series. This fandom seems interesting to be part of, especially with the love triangle stuff. I would love to have my own opinion on that. 😝

I think I am meant to tag people, but like I'm not sure who hasn't or has done this tag. Like I said before, I saw this tag floating around several times.


None of the girls @ Teen Writers' Nook have done it, so they are tagged.

Jenna Terese hasn't done it either and I would love to hear her answers, so I'll tag her too.

Some fun facts about my fandoms:

  • I borrowed Once Upon a Time from a friend (1-5) and the library (season 6-7), so I only own a copy of season 7 because the library one was broken on THE LAST EPISODE. 
  • Since my dad owns all of the Marvel movies, I just watched his and the ones he didn't have at the time I just borrowed from the library. The only reason that we own any was because they were gifted to us by friends. Though Captain America has been around forever. I don't where he came from. Now though I have access to all, both old and new, through Disney+.
  • The Lunar Chronicles series is still incomplete in my personal collection. I only have two. Cinder is a Christmas gift and Scarlet is a birthday gift. :) 
  • I bought Crooked Kingdom from a book store myself because the library didn't have it. This is why I don't own Six of Crows yet.
  • We have 48 Disney films. (both animated and live action. Though most are animated because I got my family to buy them as gifts for me. I don't own all of them... just most of them. 😂)

Farewell, Virtual Paper Adventurers! I hope you're not too horrified at my lack of fandoms (yes, I mentioned all of them).

P.S. If you're reading this in the future for some reason, just know I plan to do an updated version of this tag some time. Because I forgot two fandoms that need to be mention, plus at least two more fandoms have joined my headspace. So keep an eye out for that.

What's a fandom you think I should be considering to join? Which of these fandoms of mine you are part of or interested in? 


  1. You did the tag! Disney is such a good fandom, basically my whole childhood. Love the Grishaverse, hope you find a way to watch Shadow and Bone. Who is your favorite character in the Grishaverse?
    Kaz and Inej are the best! (Yes Sarah and Bucky!!!)

    1. Yes, I finally got around to it, haha. Yes, it is! It is so creative, entertaining and deep. Yeah, same, out of all the films I've watched as a kid, all the Disney ones stayed with me. Ah, Grishaverse! That fandom slowly invaded my heart, soul and mind. XD XD Me too! The more I hear about it, the more I know I *need* to watch it. Okay, I'm going to cheat and say it is either Kaz or Inej or both. XD I just really love these two.
      Yes, they so are! *fangirls about how amazing they are* (Glad you agree. XD XD XD)

  2. Thanks so much for tagging me! :D *looks at your sidebar* *sees street team graphic AND Project Inspire post* *gasps* <3

    1. You're so welcome! Aww, I'm glad you noticed! I'm very proud of being part of your street team and I just love Project Inspire! <3 <3 <3

  3. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for the tag, girl!!!!! I can't wait to do it!!!!! (Though, it's gonna be just like yours where we all realize I have a lack of fandoms XD) And I LOVED reading your post, girl!! I mean, I may have been gasping and clutching my heart at the part where you're not in the Star Wars fandom, but I think I shall survive. *sniffs* XD Nah, it's okay. I'm not really in most of the fandoms you've mentioned, so we're even. XDDD I'm kinda in the Disney fandom. (I say that cuz I have this whole love hate relationship with Disney. Sometimes, I'm really into them, other times they make me wanna go scream. ;) I shall never forgive them for ruining my Star Wars. *sobs into tissues*) Ooo, but what's funny is that your answer to the last question was pretty much EXACTLY what my answer would be!!!! I have heard SO much about Keeper of the Lost Cities, that I really wanna be in the fandom JUST BECAUSE I wanna get in on all the love triangle stuff. XDD I have read the first book and it was pretty good. Not a personal fav, but it DEFINITELY hooked me in the series!!!! I saw you're reading the second on GoodReads. What do you think of it so far?

    1. YOU'RE WELCOME!! I can't wait to see it!!! (When I catch up with the rest of your posts that is :/) Haha, that's okay!! I won't feel so left out if that's case! XD Thank you so much. :D Sorry, but at least I tried, right? I wanted to love it at one point, but it just never happened. *shrugs* Bahaha, if that makes you feel better, I don't mind at all. ;) Kidding, I don't care at all if someone is in my fandom or not. Fandom stuff isn't my thing anyway. XD Yeah, I'm the same honestly. There are a lot of things I hate about Disney and there are a bunch of things I love about Disney. Disney is mixed feelings for me. Sometimes I feel bad about liking Disney so much, but really I'm only a fan of their animation movies (and Marvel because I forget all of the time that they own that XD) and the rest of it is just meh when viewing them from a fan level. Yeah, Disney Star Wars mostly sucks. :( Oh, that is so funny and so cool!!! Yes, the love triangle honestly got me so curious about the series *and* the fandom. XD Oh, I felt the exact same way about the first book too! Yeah, I'm reading the second book right now (No, I'm not but shhh that's the details XD). I think it's as good as the first book, probably better, but I have so much more to read that I don't have much thoughts yet.


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