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Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I got this tag (unofficially) a while ago. Since it was about blogging, which is something I don't have much experience of, I thought I would file it away for a while. Well, you may have noticed when you click the link around here that it hasn't been a while. Not really. Why change my mind? Cause I wanted to do something fun without thinking a lot.
So the way I'm going to do this is in future person. I'm going to guess what I would answer if I had been blogging for longer. Then at the end of the year or the blog's birthday, I going to go back and see if the answers are the same. If not, I will be writing out the new answers.


Now, onto the official business. I was tagged by Julia and here are the rules:

  1. Display the blog award logo on your blog. (check above ^)
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and add their blog/website: (And thanks, Julia!)
  3. Answer the questions they have given you.
  4. Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers of your choice and inform them on one of their blog posts.
  5. Ask them five questions.
And here are the questions:
1. What is one thing you love about blogging?
Writing the blog posts. It is so fun to sit down and type out a bunch of words about all the things that I find worthy to talk about. Even if it takes hours to do so. I enjoy every minute dedicated to it.

2. What do you think is the hardest thing about blogging?
Living up to your standards. There are days when your blog isn't enough for you and you want to improve it as best you're able to. I think it is being happy where you are at with blogging and being satisfied with the season you're in - whether good or bad.

3. What is the most rewarding thing about blogging?
The ability to express myself while sharing it with others.

4. If you could give one tip to a blogger who was just starting out, what would it be?
Don't worry about what you don't know about blogging - you will learn in good time and making mistakes only makes us better at what we failed at originally. Don't think you have to know everything or be perfect at it. Just enjoy the fact that you are writing a blog!

5. What is your favourite of your own blog posts?
Since I already shared "the favourite" quite recently, I'll share another one that is a favourite with me, which is The Quarantined Characters Blog Tag. So fun and entertaining to write. I was laughing to myself a lot as I wrote out the answers. šŸ˜ 

The nominees:

The questions:
1. What keeps you writing on your blog?
2. What is something you like to do on your blog but haven't yet?
3. What is one type of post you would never write?
4. What is one blog you follow that inspires you to blog?
5. What is one of your future plans for your blog?
That is all for today.


  1. I had so much fun reading through your answers! Thanks for participating :D


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