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Writer's Obsessions

We all have things we are obsess about (hopefully in a healthy way). But what sort of obsessions I am talking about here? Well, the writer ones.

Now, you're probably more confused by this statement (if not, I'm impressed), so I am going to explain it further - They are things you are obsess to write about. The things that you are so crazy about that you must write about them. Like dragons. Or mirrors. Maybe the sort of things you might write in more than one book or series (though those things are properly the little things).

So on that note, today I am sharing my own obsessions, the little ones and the big ones.
  1. Mirrors. Yes, I am obsessed with mirrors. I thought I should get this out of the way since I already mentioned it. I always wanted to write a story with mirrors. I had many imagination stories with mirrors involved. I think maybe that I planned some real stories to have mirrors. Anyway, none of them worked... until recently! That is to say that the story will work out and be a completed manuscript. But I have so much to achieve with this one that it will probably made it. (With publishing? I have no idea. Don't ask me.) 
  2. Cloaks. I would love all my characters to wear cloaks all. the. time. Some, though, are too modern. (Why did they get out of style?). Anyway, you will probably read a lot of my characters having cloaks for main wear. (Come on, they are cool, right?)
  3. Eyes. Okay, this one is a subtle one. I won't be making descriptions of eyes all the time ('cause that's unrealistic). But I do love people's eyes. They are amazing, especially with the fact that you can see the soul of a person through the eyes. And, yes, I really love abnormal coloured eyes (like the yellow eyes and make of a cat's.)
  4. Masks. Same deal like the mirrors. I tried to use them in many stories. Recently too, in more than one story, I have been able to use them. But I don't have a masquerade ball scene yet. One day...
  5. White hair. This one kinda came by accident. I didn't mean to make a bunch of young characters with white hair. And yeah, white hair has been used a lot (reading a book now with a girl with white hair), but I just loved the coolness of it. So how many characters I do have with white hair... so far? Six, not including the future ones...
  6. Chokers/collars. Yes, I like putting collar-like necklaces on my characters. They look cool for some reason (also like my characters are imprisoned). Chokers in general just make the characters even more cool and stylish than they already are (in my humble opinion).
  7. Doppelgängers. This is a rather new obsession. I thought I would never get to write a story with them. But I was proven wrong and it's awesome that I get to now. Ever since I learnt of their existence, I thought it would be cool to write a story with them.
  8. Finland. This whole obsession started with the Finnish name for God, Jumala (U-moo-la). Since then, I have created a world with the Finnish language, mythology and names (and made it a past memory). I still plan to use Finland, but differently from the original idea.
  9. Gloves. Not only are they useful but they look cool. People who wear gloves when no one else is wearing them are stylish and cool as well. (Or is it just me?)
  10. Kitsune. If you know what these creatures are, then you know that they are cool and horrible at the same time. When I first learnt about them, I really wanted to write about them. But they have this problem of being unpleasant creatures (as most of them are). But I decide I would try one day anyway. So recently, I have put them into a series of mine while sorta of keeping their old reputation. I don't think I should ignore the bad stuff just to have the cool aspects of them. But the bad stuff would be subtle 'cause that is not a main focus with the story.
  11. Cyborgs. This one came with the love of dystopians. They are just awesome. Realistic(ish) super humans? What isn't cool about them? There is so much you could do with them in the name of fiction science.
It seems that my excuse for having these obsessions is because they are cool. 😂 But seriously, is there really a real reason for having an obsession with something in the first place except that it is appealing? I'd love to know a deep reason in the comments below if you have one. Also...

What are some of your own obsessions? (doesn't have to be writing related.)


  1. I LOVE THIS POST. Seriously, it’s genius. I feel like we should talk about our writing obsessions more often, honestly, because it’s fascinating!

    I completely agree with you with mirrors and cloaks - if characters could wear cloaks all the time that would be great, thanks. XD Ooo, yes, and white hair is always fabulous!

    1. Thank you so much. *blushing* Yes, I agree writing obsessions should be talked about more. Maybe we can start the craze for it!
      Yay, I have a fellow writer obsessed with mirrors and cloaks. And you think white hair is amazing! You are my official buddy now! :P


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