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A Patch of Woods - An Old Writing Piece

Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash

Today, I am sharing a little writing piece of mine that I did ages ago for school. My mum was very amazed by it and so it was my first proud moment in writing. It was a sign that I could write well. I think it was around the time that I really started getting into writing but hadn't written beyond the first chapters of any of my stories yet.
I should also mention that I have no idea if this is still any good now. So, if you think it's terrible, that's okay, because it is part of my first works. First works are usually not that good. šŸ˜‰

A patch of woods
I will never forget what that place felt like. It was a little spot filled with oak trees, clambered together. It was in the centre of the city, near an open-space park. There was a hedge blocking it from view and a fence blocking wandering souls.

I ignored the fence and jumped down on to the mossy ground. There was no sound except for a dripping noise. It seemed to mute the sounds outside, making it kind of eerie.

The smell of wetness was intense. It was also mixed with the smell of mould.

It made me feel like I was lost in another world or hidden from eyes. That made me uncomfortable. I was starting to feel damp inside, like I was there for a long time, still as a statue and had no cares. Then suddenly I jerked as I heard my name being called, completely bewildered, I shivered and walked away.

Well, I had some interesting word choices. 
A part of me wants to edit this thing but I know that it is better for you guys to see it in its original form. It would defeat the purpose of sharing this old work if I edited it, right?
Overall, personally I don't think it is that bad. Yes, it has issues. Yes, it could be better. And, yes, my writing is much better now, making me cringe a little. But this old writing also shows me how far I have come. My growth as a writer.
Any thoughts? Do you want me to share more of this sort of thing?     



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Halo: The Fall of Reach
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