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For the Inspired and Bold

Photo by Sarah Arista on Unsplash

Well, I was gone longer than I expected. I don't know what happened there.

Anyway, here's something new for you today. It's meant to explain the phrase "the inspired and bold" since it's what came to me when I sat down to write about these words. But I have no idea if it achieved what I set out to do since I "don't" write poetry. Being transparent with you all, this is my second poem I have ever wrote for creative's sake. I've written more poems than just two, but they were for school and I hated every minute working on them. 

I'm just not a poetry type of girl, both with writing and reading them. I never hated poetry, it was just hard for me to enjoy them, as either I zoned out while reading them or didn't understand what was being said. Though my favourite poet is Brooke Riley. Her poetry has never missed for me. Thinking on it, this girl has probably inspired me with this. Her style, raw emotions, and honesty was something I aimed for when I wrote my poems because I connected so much when I was reading hers and I wanted my audience, or myself, to feel the same with mine.

Enough introduction, I'll let you be the judge.

part I

It isn't easy to create.

 It isn't easy to put your voice out there. 

It's easy to listen to fear,

Or harsh criticism from others.

It's easy to not write what you need to write.

To be caught up with what is safe.

To fall into a trap of perfectionism.

It's easy to feel like your words don't matter,

 or have no meaning.

It's easy to be caught up with the noise in your head,

that little voice that likes to believe every lie.

part II

I've been there,

so stuck in my own head's critical thoughts

that it didn't matter how 



and accepting 

people were of my words.

That doesn't mean there hasn't been good days.

Where I was proud of what I had written, 

Where I was confident in my words,

Where I didn't listen to the world's judgement

or the fear whispering in the back of my mind.

But that wasn't most days.

Most days I was just surviving.

I couldn't create,

even though my soul longed for it.

part III

Things have changed now.

I remembered why I had fallen in love with words.

Why writing is so significant to me,

why reading is more than just a book for enjoyment,

why blogging is such a passion,

why creating is a balm for my soul.  

Because they inspired me

influenced me

encouraged me

guided me forward,

to be bold and face the world with all its hardships.

To be called into action against anything that doesn't belong

in a good world.

To fight every injustice and bring awareness,

To stand for my beliefs

even if no one agrees with it.

Someone out there needs to hear them.

Maybe that someone is me, 

but if that means one more person is better



than they were before,

then I've done something right.

part IV

Stories burn inside

because so many voices are left unheard.

So many are lost underneath the waves,

hoping against hope that someone will reach 


and help them.

 They are drowning,

Never being able to lift their heads above the water.

They are floating in an ocean,

not knowing where they are going

as they get pushed by the currents

and pressured by the loud voices.

But we all have a gift given to us

and we can use it,

to bring a little more peace

a little more love

a little more justice.

part V

You can be bold despite it all.

Staying inspired no matter what

will impact someone

will impact you.

Words are meaningful and will always be.

Words are weapons, 

are tools.

Anyone can use words, 

for good, for evil.

 If that's true, you can too

You can choose to make the world a different place

one word at a time.

The only voices that matter

are the ones that will lead you create.

Nothing else deserves a place in your mind

if it takes away your boldness

your inspiration.

Your creation is a gift from heaven.

Fun fact about this poem was that I was inspired halfway through to separate it into several different parts. It felt suddenly very fitting for the style of poem I was creating. Especially when I saw that I was switching between you/your, I/me and (when I already made the decision to do the parts) they/us. I saw this style from a poem called Goodbyes by Maya Joelle, which is how my mind thought of doing this in the first place and is the main inspiration for that aspect of this poem.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Did you like the poem? Was there any part that stood out to you? What was your favourite line? Do you have any constructive criticism to help me improve my poetry in the future? 


  1. I have no words for how much I love and relate to this.
    So well written and hard hitting.

    1. I can't fully express how much I appreciate these words. Thank you. <3 <3 <3
      Awww, thank you so so much. *cries* *hugs*

  2. I agree about not being a poetry type gal...
    That being said, I do love these poems you wrote! I think it's really cool how they all connect and the words seem really cool rhythmically.

    1. That's cool! In the writing world, I felt like I was the only one who didn't much care for poetry, even with years of reading them and creating them sometimes. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this. :)
      Ahhh, this is such high praise! Thank you so so much!!! <3 <3 <3 I'm so glad you liked the style!


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